Diagnosis: Severe scoliosis with angulation greater than 50 ° and restrictive pulmonary alteration.

Objective: 3D surgical planning (VSP) to improve angulation and restrictive pulmonary process.

Development: from a CT performed according to a specific protocol for 3d reconstruction, an anatomical biomodel of the patient’s column was developed following the following steps:     

  1. spine segmentation,     
  2. Conversion of DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) to STL (Standard Triangle Language),     
  3. Virtual 3d model optimization for later 3d printing.

The scoliosis of high angulation, reach a degree of vertebral rotation that prevents the visualization of the pedicular canal by intraoperative radioscopy, making it difficult to insert pedicle screws.

The anatomical biomodel of the patient’s 3D printed column allows the surgeon to know in detail the anatomy of the patient and thus plan the surgical procedure.

The most outstanding benefits of this procedure are     

  • the availability of real three-dimensional information for decision-making,     
  • the reduction of exposure to lightning because the 3d biomodel replaces the arc in C,     
  • the reduction of surgical time and the increase in the accuracy of the total procedure.